“Generosity is not solely based on one’s economic status, but instead, includes the individual’s pure intentions of looking out for the Kingdom of God’s common good and then giving what you can, gifts or otherwise, from the heart…(THEN, a little later in the message…) It is a choice of a focus. Just as self-chosen greed is a poison, self-selected generosity is the antidote. Just as tight-fisted stinginess hardens the arteries, closes up the mind, closes up the heart, closes up life all together–charity, in love, softens the arteries and the heart. And it makes the blood flow and helps you grow new capillaries, and it helps you to live and be alive and live longer and live forever. The end results are astounding.” – Gwen Shamblin – Remnant Fellowship Sabbath Assembly – December 1, 2012
Most of this country’s population throws around the word “generosity” during this time of year. People speak of giving gifts to loved ones and even providing for those who are less fortunate than they are. While this has its merit, in this Church we can testify to you that we are learning to be completely generous ALWAYS…year-round. It is a HEART and a SPIRIT that longs to give back to GOD, first and foremost, and then to others…because we are so overwhelmed at the blessings that He has poured out upon us. And this LIFESTYLE of continued gratitude and constant thanksgiving isn’t simply wrapped up in a “list of possessions” or just a passing expression of “thank you for my family.” This is a full-time, round-the-clock, ATTITUDE of joyful and astounded counting of blessings that permeates our minds and hearts. We are learning that there NEVER is a time when we should be ANYTHING but completely humbled and blown away at how merciful and generous our great GOD has been with ALL of us…regardless of our individual circumstances. Gwen Shamblin’s “History of the ONE TRUE GOD” Book and Series explains this beautifully, and it is recommended reading, listening, and viewing for EVERYONE.
And during our most recent Sabbath Assembly – December 1st– Gwen painted an amazing picture for all who listened and watched…a picture and description of what the attitudes of ALL men, women, and children SHOULD be. How sad it is for GOD that not EVERY person He has created isn’t full of love, joy, gratitude, and obedience to His commands. As is stated throughout the materials and lessons produced by Weigh Down Ministries and Remnant Fellowship Church, GOD’S boundaries are WAY over-the-top GENEROUS, and the fact that we have breath in our lungs…with an OPPORTUNITY at eternal LIFE for our souls if we DO His will…is beyond description with words! Gwen’s Sabbath message moved all of us, and we had a chance to gather brief words of TESTIMONY from a few of our Church members who have put this message of giving BACK to GOD and His Kingdom into practice in significant ways…and they were delighted to share about the BLESSINGS that GOD gives back!
“I have been so blessed by God financially. I could not even imagine what I have done to deserve such a generous blessing. My most recent blessing was nine years in the making. It was so God to have me wait until just the right moment. I prayed and asked God to lead me as to the amount I needed to give. He didn’t hesitate one second before giving me the amount. It was just so clear what HE wanted me to do. My heart was so at peace over this whole decision. I am nothing and have nothing without God. In addition, when I read Malachi 3:10, I see it clearly…and my obedience is from GOD’S Word.” – Martha Jean
“Gwen’s messages, recently and throughout my time at Remnant, have taught me that God is in control and has given our family everything we have and will give us everything we need; as a result, I am only giving back what God has so generously given us. God has certainly blessed our family’s gifts. When my faith in giving has been tested and I have honored God with my gifts, God has blessed this obedience by giving me financial success in direct response, but far greater proportion, than my giving.” – Russ
“Words cannot express how grateful I am that I have been allowed to have eyes to see and ears to hear these amazing messages from the Heavens. It is so fun to put these words into practice and try to out-give God…an impossible task because He is so over the top generous! The combination of these powerful messages and serving God’s Kingdom have been instrumental in breaking through any and all strongholds that God reveals are still left in my heart. I know if I am serving God’s Kingdom, I am not serving myself. I have more energy than I’ve ever had, God always gives the time back, the financial needs are always met (plus some) and the joy that comes from serving others is priceless!” – Karen
“Who are we that we are allowed to give our praises to God for HIS generosity – without Him we would have NOTHING! We have been taught through this message and so we continually put into practice giving back to God what is from Him and is rightfully His! Though we are not rich by worldly standards, He has chosen that we have more than we need so that we can share as He directs! In doing so, we are ALWAYS BOUNTIFULLY blessed and NEVER wanting! He has provided so that we are completely out of debt except our debt to Him that can never be repaid (though we will spend our lifetime trying – to Him all glory is given!!!” – Fred and Cheryl
“God is everything and owns everything. Nothing belongs to me and I finally get to share these financial blessings and I want to pass the blessings on to people who are truly seeking and doing the will of God in their own lives, which is happening here. The real value of the money is not what you can buy in material things but peace, joy, and improved health…And most of all, I am finding the CONNECTION with the One True GOD through what Gwen is teaching here at this blessed Church.” – Sherri
More and more testimonies and stories like these exist here. Because WHOLE HEARTS are being given on a daily basis, the giving of financial means…or time…or in service projects…or in many other ways, is easy to do! How can one be “stingy” when the realization hits you that GOD has breathed your very LIFE into you and is beyond good and generous and loving and faithful? This is a place and a message of love, joy, gratitude, generosity, and so much more. Here’s just a brief clip of some of the powerful words that Gwen shared during that Sabbath Assembly. If you aren’t joining us for our Sabbath Assemblies each Saturday at 9:00am Central Time and our mid-week Assemblies on Wednesdays at 6:00pm Central Time, you are missing out on SO much Truth, love, fellowship, music, and practical life lessons. JOIN US!