Here in the Remnant Fellowship, we take VERY SERIOUSLY our calling to live righteous, pure, selfless, servant-hearted lives before GOD. But at the same time, this life is more FUN and FULL and REWARDING than words could possibly describe! As imitators of the early Christians’ examples…as set forth throughout the Biblical book of ACTS, we as a Church have felt the Lord’s calling to fulfill the clear vision that was set forth so many years ago by these dear Saints. As members of this Church, our gifts are being organized more dynamically and efficiently than ever before…with the goal being this: to meet all of the needs of the Saints, just as our forefathers did it. THEREFORE, we not only are putting this into practice on a daily basis as a Church, but we also are providing all of this information clearly to the WORLD via our NEW WEBSITE – www.remnantfellowshipministries.com – as it specifies clear and supportive ways that our members contribute to the needs of the Body of Christ here in the Remnant Fellowship. The website also provides plenty of helpful “tips” and other public service announcements that can benefit EVERYONE. It is such an indescribable joy to use a gift that GOD has given you for His purposes, and when that gift provides assistance to a brother or sister in Christ, the fulfillment is unequivocally satisfying. Check out some of our Ministry HIGHLIGHTS and article EXCERPTS…and visit the Ministries website for even more evidence of the amazing results that follow when a Church FULL of changed lives works TOGETHER for the common purpose of building up GOD’S Kingdom…HIS wishes…and HIS will!
ARTICLES/HELPFUL TIPS – Here’s a quote from an article about protecting yourself and your family from spreading and catching respiratory illnesses – “During this time of year illness and infections are more frequent. God has given our Leadership incredible wisdom over the years on how to care for our bodies as God’s temple.  These basic practices have been known since the time of Moses (Leviticus 13, 14).  It is vital that we follow these guidelines to protect others, to prevent illness and to stay healthy so that we can serve and grow God’s Kingdom.”
You also can find out more about our Ministries’ main categories and points of emphasis…and discover ways in which YOU can both contribute AND receive help within your own family…by tapping into the power of GOD’S Church working together. Keep reading…
MEMBERSHIP – Be a part of the most exciting, changed group of Christians anywhere. Enjoy the fellowship and amazing fulfillment that comes with a new life in Christ! Our Fellowship Groups (organized by geographic and demographic categories) pray together, meet needs, and grow together as families.
SPIRITUAL NEEDS – Meeting our members’ spiritual needs is our NUMBER ONE priority as a Church. Overcoming tests and temptations…choosing GOD’s ways and HIS leading for each day…gives us access to His protection and guidance! But, thankfully, this isn’t done ALONE. Our team of Church Shepherds helps to back up the abundant amounts of sermons and resources by providing Godly counsel, in the forms of Guidance and Visitation, which steers our members into deeper relationships with GOD.
PHYSICAL NEEDS – The members of Remnant Fellowship are becoming more and more selfless each and every day. Because the message of this Church and Ministry has set us free from so much sin and pain, this congregation works so well together in meeting one another’s PHYSICAL NEEDS…often times within MINUTES of the needs being presented. It truly is amazing to watch what simply happens naturally when someone needs help with moving, painting, housework, running errands, meeting financial needs, preparing meals, etc. We meet these needs in a very organized way via the following committees: Food Distribution/Food Bank, Household Needs, Automobile Services, Job Placement, Financial Guidance and Assistance, Angels Armoire Clothing Consignment, Handyman Construction Services, Welcome Committee, and Local Moves.
OUTREACH – Our founder, Gwen Shamblin, has taken her own personal relationship with GOD and her journey to overcoming being overweight…and she shared those pearls of wisdom with the WORLD. That heart and spirit of EVANGELISM has touched millions around the world over a quarter century, and that spirit of outreach is stronger than ever within this body of Christians today! We provide FREE access to our Assemblies via webcast twice each week and for many special events throughout each year. We also scholarship classes, materials, and other resources to anyone who has financial needs.  Part of our primary purpose in existence is to share this Truth as it has been shared with us. As it has done for more than 25 years, Weigh Down Ministries continues to spread the Good News via Evangelism, New Members, Missions, Prison Services, Visitor Outreach, and much more.
PUBLISHING/PRODUCTION/COMMUNICATIONS – There isn’t any quick way to add up the thousands upon thousands of HOURS of audio and video material that Gwen Shamblin and this Ministry and Church has produced over a quarter century’s worth of time…and that is a fountain of information that keeps flowing, with no signs of slowing down! We have remained consistent in updating our technology as the times have changed. Materials and resources have morphed in format…from cassette tapes, workbooks, and VHS tapes…to CDs, downloadable online workbooks, and DVDS…to today’s options to participate in this Ministry and its classes completely ONLINE if you wish. We also provide 24/7 resources like WDWB and Truthstream (online audio and video streams).Â
GOD is working around the clock to get His Word out, and so we are committed to following His lead in our efforts as well. This communications effort to the world takes shape in the forms of, but are not limited to – Video Editing, WDWB – Weigh Down Web Radio, “You Can Overcome” Online TV Show, Store/Resources, Remnant Fellowship News, Translations, and Truthstream – 24/7 access to hundreds of life changing audios, videos and song titles through the Internet to your computer or mobile device. ALL of it is life-changing…and it is available to the world for all who have a desire for it!
MUSIC – Music is a very important part of Remnant Fellowship Church because the power of God’s music to change your attitude and to heal is true.  Remnant Fellowship music moves us to focus on and worship God.  When you are ready to change, you want the music that is from the Heavens. Remnant Fellowship music is, to our members, a “soundtrack to life.” Michael Shamblin, son of founder Gwen Shamblin, has been writing music since 1998, inspired from his mother’s teachings. Over the last 14 years Michael has continued to write music that encourages obedience to God, and the other Remnant Fellowship musicians have followed suit.  This music is a part of every Remnant worship service and helps to inspire daily change in the lives of countless people.  This message of freedom from sin and overcoming the world has birthed Songs, Ensembles, our Praise Band, our Choir, Instrumental Arrangements, and Full Symphonies and “Viewsicals.” We praise GOD for Remnant music!
EVENTS – Remnant Fellowship is so much more than just a building where “people gather twice a week for worship Assemblies.” So many churches today, unfortunately, have turned into just that. But with this Church, our members literally cannot WAIT to see each other…ANYTIME the building is open for worship, gathering, fellowship, concerts, lunches and dinners, Festivals, picnics, Youth activities, and so much more! For each and every event, NOTHING is “thrown together.” We seek GOD’S leading for every detail. From the decorations to the colors, from the floral arrangements to the lighting, from the exquisite food and beverages to the joyful and active dance floor, our events are designed to bring 100 percent glory to GOD…to celebrate and observe and thank Him for His amazing generosity and loving guidance throughout our lives as we do His will wholeheartedly.Â
You can experience and share in these blessed gatherings in many forms…through Assemblies, Summer Day Camp, Tutoring, Homeschool Co-op Program, Extracurricular Activities and Lessons, Wedding Services, Decorating, and the Food Committee. We definitely lift up every one of our events and activities in prayer and our deepest desire is for them to bring a smile to our awesome GOD’S face!
FACILITIES – Our Sanctuary sits on 40 acres of land that had previously never been built upon. Every square foot, inside and outside, is used for Godly purposes. A brief tour of the facility would tell anyone who visits us that great care and much prayer went into decisions about every fixture, color, layout, door, room, etc. This facility and land are from GOD and are for GOD, and while we ALL take responsibility for keeping it beautiful, we do have teams of hard-working Saints who specialize in these areas…specifically with overall Facility Maintenance, along with Grounds, Garden, and Lawn Maintenance. We welcome your visit as you genuinely seek GOD with a whole heart. We would love to show you and share with you more about why this Church is a place where people have permanently CHANGED for the better. Our Facilities help us provide a safe and beautiful place for the Saints to gather, and we are forever grateful to GOD for giving us this opportunity to take care of HIS House!
As you can see from these brief descriptions and excerpts, this Church is made up of a joyful group of Christians who cannot wait to live life each day for GOD…and to see His will done on Earth as it is done in Heaven! And again, check out www.remnantfellowshipministries.com for even more about how we are ministering to please GOD and to make His incredible personality and goodness known to the world!
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