Remnant Fellowship News

Remnant Fellowship Summer Day Camp 2013 – The Character of Christ

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Young boys at Remnant Fellowship Summer Day Camp“Summer Day Camp 2013” – Those words are like music to the ears of our children here in the Remnant Fellowship…and the countdown to Camp is officially UNDERWAY!  The Remnant Fellowship is highly blessed to have over 400 young people as members who are under the age of 18.  Wow!  With that many precious, sweet, obedient, loving-GOD-first youth and children, this message, Church, and Ministry has an incredibly BRIGHT future!  And one thing we NEVER lack for in this place is TRUE TEACHING about the personality and character of both GOD Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ.  Gwen Shamblin has been led by GOD on a lifelong mission not only to live wholeheartedly for GOD, Jesus, and the Church…but she also has dedicated her life to sharing these Truths and this amazing perspective with the WORLD!  Because of this pointed, Spirit-led inspiration…along with a Church full of Saints who live selflessly each day…we will this Summer be able to organize and pull off our 13th Summer Day Camp experience.  What started in 2001 as a one-week-long Summer Camp has EXPANDED through the years to a four-days-per-week, Monday through Thursday daytime Camp experience, and it is more fun than words can describe!  Gwen felt the Lord’s leading to give this Summer’s Camp experience the theme of “The Character of Christ.”  And since we live and breathe to follow in Christ’s footsteps, it promises to be a Summer not only of lots of fun…but also one of tremendous learning opportunities for our young people and for all of the adults who graciously volunteer their time to assist these precious children throughout the Summer experience.  Summer Day Camp is for Remnant children who are, as of the upcoming Fall of 2013, entering 1st grade through entering 8th grade.  Our “Junior Counselors” are our teenagers – those who are entering 9th grade through entering 12th grade.  Overseeing the daily activities is a team of selfless adults who will volunteer their time for the Summer…but every one of them will tell you from the bottom of their hearts that THEY feel like the BLESSED ones as they spend time helping our children and youth grow in the Lord during these Summer months!

Remnant Fellowship Day Camp YouthDuring the Summer of 2012, “The Connection” served as our theme, and the Campers not only built their relationships with each other, but MOST importantly, they strengthened their “connections”…their relationships…with GOD!  And “The Character of Christ” will serve as the perfect follow-up to last year’s premise.  That theme will be the foundation that drives every activity for our Day Campers this Summer – from studying GOD’S Word to a daily mindset of prayer, from every art project, craft, and song to every other fun activity, from the friendships built and strengthened to learning to love GOD and Jesus Christ more with each passing day.  Because of this Summer-long experience…dedicated to learning more and more about Jesus and how to EMULATE Him and His focus on the Father…our children will finish the Summer and head into Fall (and back into regular school schedules) more focused, more in love with GOD and with Jesus, and with more TOOLS to shine for GOD than they’ve ever had before!

If you haven’t had the opportunity to see or experience our Summer Day Camp over the years, here is just a sampling of some of the overwhelming blessings that are taking place as a result of this message being put into practice during these Summer months…

The list of blessings and activities can and does go on and on and on.

This Church treats each Summer as much more than a “break from school.”  This is a tremendous opportunity for our children to grow in wisdom and in stature…and in favor with GOD.  And along the way, they are building friendships that will last a lifetime.  Not only that, but they also are learning valuable skills that will take them through school, relationships, a career, and building families…all of which have GOD as the center of every day.  By imitating the character of Jesus Christ, they not only will live peacefully and joyfully, but they will have their PRAYERS answered!  What a blessing!

Praise GOD for the Remnant Fellowship Summer Day Camp experience…and for every volunteer who helps to make it happen!

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