Remnant Fellowship News

Remnant Fellowship Prison Ministry Updates – Setting the Captives Free!

Remnant Fellowship Prison Ministry Men's Class“Setting the captives free…”

That title and phrase has been used countless times to describe the 30 years of ministry that GOD has led Weigh Down and Remnant Fellowship founder Gwen Shamblin to share with the world.  And that is no small statement…nor is it a small achievement.  The words that Gwen speaks and writes have touched thousands upon thousands of lives and have been the catalyst for massive REFORM in people’s lives – Excess weight lost, drug addictions overcome, marriages restored, finances righted, relationships healed, and so much more…And the message is so powerful that it penetrates even the walls and bars of prisons!  They are FREE in Christ…even though they are behind bars.  YES, inmates all over North America are becoming selfless, patient, loving, giving, gentle, committed, pure-hearted followers of Jesus Christ through the assistance, guidance, and teaching of this Church and Ministry.  To read the words and stories from these dear men and women who have made the decision to dedicate the rest of their living days to GOD is a powerful, emotional experience.  And to MEET any of them charges you even more!  These Saints are in real-life, real-testing situations on a regular basis.  Even though their days inside their prisons have structure schedule-wise, they never know what the MOOD or ATTITUDE of other inmates will be.  They have to be on their guard…FULL of humility and love and graciousness…ready to give a GENTLE answer when met with wrath from someone who is angry for no reason.  Praise GOD for this teaching and for these Saints who are living examples of how GOD can change someone…regardless of their circumstances!

The Remnant Fellowship Prison Ministry features a team of volunteers who travel frequently to facilities in Tennessee, Ohio, Georgia, Indiana, Canada, and an ever-growing list of locations.  And you can read more about what the ongoing volunteer needs are for this Team by visiting the Remnant Fellowship Ministries website…specifically the Prison Ministry Outreach page –

Mere words can’t really do justice to how powerfully that GOD is moving in the lives of these inmates, but here’s just a taste of the blessings from a few of them in mid-May…starting with the “Exodus from Strongholds” Class being conducted at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, Ohio:

It doesn’t end there.  Here are a few statements from Inmates at the Ware State Prison in Georgia…

That is merely a glimpse at what is already a powerful Ministry at work!  Please keep praying for the Remnant Fellowship Prison Ministry…and may more and more inmates find this hope, this love, and this peace with GOD that truly “sets the captives free!”

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