By now (late December of 2013)…especially given the fact that you are reading this article on an internet-enabled computer or mobile device…you are familiar with the “world wide web” and its capabilities to give you information on ANY subject in a matter of a few seconds. You also likely are familiar with specific “tech-related” companies that help you “connect” with people all over the world. Both Facebook and Twitter are great examples of this. And here in the Remnant Fellowship Church and with Weigh Down Ministries, we use this technology…including both Facebook and Twitter…every single day! Whether it is chatting about a Weigh Down seminar or reflecting upon a recent sermon during a Remnant Fellowship assembly, these resources are invaluable for helping our participants and members stay FOCUSED and PURE during each day. Over the past several weeks, Gwen Shamblin has led this Church and Ministry on a 40-Day Journey…leading up to Christmastime. And what a BLESSING it has been! Gwen’s perfectly-timed “Tweets” throughout this Journey have been exactly the nuggets of wisdom that we have needed to help each of us keep GOD and the footsteps of Jesus Christ in the forefront of our minds during a very busy, even sometimes hectic, season.
So for today, let us all “re-live” this Journey led by Gwen throughout the past several weeks. Review her “Tweets” from the season and keep them close to your hearts…because they are not JUST for this 40-Day window. They are, in fact, TIMELESS and can help you pass your spiritual and physical tests ANYTIME!
- Let’s do this – let’s fight harder than ever B4 for a white (pure) Christmas! Join us as we start the 40-day journey!
- DAY 1 – Remember, less is more – more energy, more time, more clothes that fit in your closet! More is not better – more is just more!
- Day 2 – May our focus today not be on the things of this world or the busyness around us but straight up on God and Christ.
- DAY 4 – Praise God for another week to deny ourselves & follow Christ! Let’s look for ways to be content with less.
- When u think of reasons why u dont deserve anything (after all we’ve done wrong) it sobers u & helps u to be appreciative for anything u get
- DAY 6 – For mid-week encouragement, join us tonight at 6:20pm Central (Wednesday, November 20th). You Can Overcome!
- DAY 7 – When you fill up on GOD… you will stop searching for something else to fill you up or fill your day.
- Day 8 – So many Saints r choosing self-denial & finding the joy of it! God does not take pleasure in stubbornness but rather the fear of HIM!
- DAY 10: With all that is going on this week, stay in prayer & stay focused on the most important command… Love for God first & then others!
- DAY 11 – In a season focused on overindulgence w/ food, football & shopping, praise God for a chance to deny ourselves! Less feels better 🙂
- Praise God for today! I am more grateful everyday I am alive in Christ! Love to everyone as we focus on the great and wonderful I AM!! – This was Thanksgiving Day.
- DAY 14: Determine to make the next couple days totally focused & pure. Think thru every possible test & set your mind to be content with less.
- DAY 18 – What does the Lord ur God ask of u but to fear Him, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve Him w/ all your heart & soul. Deuteronomy 10
- DAY 19 – What have you done for THE KINGDOM OF GOD today? Do not let this day end w/self focus! You will forget the food if u forget yourself!
- If you are struggling – It cannot be said enough that the center of ur life is on yourself. You will feel empty & want to eat more – Reverse it!
- Day 22: If you want to lose weight, you have to forget self — and there’s nothing more beautiful than reflecting on our fellowship.
- DAY 25: Dear Saints, do not grow weary in doing good – U R investing in Jesus Christ & eternal life. We honor those fighting the good fight!
- DAY 26: 14 days left for each of us to focus on God, Christ, Kingdom & others. Lose urself in giving this season – Its better to give than receive.
- DAY 27 – Do you want to completely avoid eating tonight when not hungry? Then don’t dare look, think, desire, or focus on food tonight.
- Day 28: The thought of life forever w/ God is overwhelming & we long for it. But no one who’s greedy can be w/ Him. Lay down greed immediately.
- DAY 29: 11 days left. Let’s gather all the energy & focus on God that we can & pray like we never have before – 11 perfect days for Christmas!
- Day 31: If you have not been obeying God’s voice perfectly with hunger & fullness, then try fasting today or cutting way back 🙂
- The world [Godless people] will never change. But u can take responsibility to change your attitude & be victorious in the midst of it all!
- DAY 33: One week left. How could one approach these days being in love w/ food, lust, pride? Never! It is the time of our dear Savior’s birth!
- DAY 34: The best thing u can do to help this walk is tune in to the You Can Overcome tv show tonight! 6:20pm Central. (Wednesday, December 18th)
- DAY 35: Let’s be done with being the victim or the one who blames other people or circumstances – daily look inward & change ur own heart! 🙂
- DAY 36: If you think about it, the gift from God to change is the biggest gift of all. Take advantage of it 🙂
- Join us tonight for a Celebration of Christ! Live webcast begins at 5pm Central. (Saturday, December 21st)
- D39: We r almost there! Even if u dont feel like u have denied urself enough, its not too late to practice selflessness for the glory of Christ.
- “Glory to God in the highest & on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests” Luke 2:14. Come let us adore Him on this joyous Christmas Eve!
- To us a Child is born, to us a Son is given…Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government there will be no end. (Christmas Day)
- What an incredibly blessed-by-God time of purity & obedience to Him these 40 days have been! Share ur testimonies on …
And there still is plenty of time to SHARE those TESTIMONIES on our Facebook Group page for Weigh Down Ministries. Please feel free to give GOD praise and glory for how He has blessed you throughout this Journey! And don’t forget…it doesn’t “end” with the passing of the Christmas season. We are to live each day like it is our last. This Church and Ministry…both of them…exist to HELP you live in PURITY before GOD each and every day. In this “season” of gifts, one of the best investments you can make in your OWN spiritual walk is to take advantage of these opportunities to stay CONNECTED!