Remnant Fellowship Members – Finding Godly Fellowship While “On the Road”
David Martin
One of the many amazing characteristics of this Remnant Fellowship body of Christians is everyone’s never-ending love of FELLOWSHIP with each other. When you TRULY have a deep love of GOD in common with someone, your “connection” with each other is INSTANT. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only known that person for a short while. Because of the fact that GOD is everything, HE allows for these incredible relationships with other Saints to be built…and built quickly! You have a “completely changed life” in common with one another, and that is more powerful and longer lasting than any connection through sports, hobbies, jobs, finances, or anything else in this world. That connection is rooted in ETERNAL things. It trumps nationality, language, race, and age. It is STRONGER than any other earthly tie! If you spend any time at all around Remnant Fellowship members, you’ll immediately find this to be true. But it’s not ONLY the case in local Fellowships. On the contrary, when members of this Church travel for various reasons, they often find other Saints “along the way” to and from their travel spots! We get news of this happening all the time, and we would LOVE to hear and see even more examples from Remnant members around the world. Here is an example of a Fellowship Gathering that just happened this week…with Saints traveling and finding each other along the way. The BAKER family – including Daniel, Amanda, and their daughters Anne-Marie and Jillian – moved to Nashville from California last year, and they sent us the following summary of the trip that they took this week…
AMANDA BAKER – Right now we have a van full of Saints headed to Florida. This trip has been planned for a while. When Daniel and I had the pleasure of running into Michelle Nash at the Hosanna Symphony, we got into a conversation about us visiting her. We were driving right by her on our way to Florida, so we stopped for what we thought would be two hours. But God totally led everything and we ended up staying overnight and having the most Spirit-filled and blessed 24 hours together! It was a continuous stream of testimony, prayer, Scripture, and worship the entire time! We were even blessed with a very fun and funny game of Bible trivia and charades that had us shouting names and cheering as others knew facts from the Word of God. It was AWESOME. I could go on and on about all that was shared and prayed and sung. Just WOW!
Below are the short testimonies from the youth after we left the Nash home. We are praising God with a very, very full heart!!!!
“During our visit with the Nash family in Georgia I was so encouraged by the open hearts and hospitality provided by such sweet Saints. It was such a blessing just to get together and share what we have been learning in the last few weeks…and to also share what we are struggling with and working on. I feel like I’m more charged and ready to go forward and pass my tests!” – Josh Zinzilieta (19 years old)
“It was such a blessing to be able to stop at the Nash’s home! I loved it when we all sat down and talked about God and shared our testimonies! I feel like my relationship with God grew and I also got closer to everyone! So thankful for the Nash family!!!!” – Hannah Mornout (15 years old)
“It was a very blessed and convicting visit. I loved every minute of the Godly fellowship.” – Christian Olivas (16 years old)
“It was a blessing to be able to be with them. It was really encouraging having the devotional and to listen to everyone’s tests and how they pass them. A lot of them were relatable to me. So I know now how to pass those tests if they come up.” – Madison Day (16 years old)
“I just found it really encouraging listening to and seeing Lauren Nash’s purity and how she is standing strong at her age, even though she is far away from other Saints. It’s convicting because I’m surrounded by Saints everyday. So my game should be way more stepped up.” – Hunter Day (18 years old)
Those are wonderful words and testimonies! As you can see, what starts out as a “two-hour visit” can turn out to be a full day/overnight stay when you are following GOD’S lead every step of the way. Are you taking a trip soon…and planning to enjoy Godly fellowship along the way? Please take some time to write down some notes about the experience, and take some pictures while you are there. This is very ENCOURAGING to everyone who sees it and reads about it. Praise GOD for this Church, and praise GOD for these ties that bind us together so strongly!