Remnant Fellowship News

Praising GOD for our Weigh Down Staff Member of the Month for January 2014 – Debbie Blair

Jim and Debbie Blair - Remnant Fellowship

We’ve kicked off 2014 with a BANG here at Weigh Down and in the Remnant Fellowship Church!  We have more CLASSES going on right now than in any January in recent memory.  This means that more and more people are going to have exposure to the TRUTH and the Good News that is this: EVERYONE can CHANGE!  This is a wonderful opportunity and definitely is something that we request your continued PRAYERS over.  For all of you who have been a part of this Ministry and/or Church for any amount of time, remember what it was like when you first heard this message.  Your mind was blown (in a good way)!  As you laid down stronghold after stronghold, that initial feeling of “I think I could FLY right now” stayed with you as you discovered a relationship with GOD that you never knew you could have.

As you think back on being brought into this amazing message, also think about who GOD used to be a close friend to you in the process.  Who were your points-of-contact?  Today’s article serves to highlight one of the dear Saints who not only has lived out this message herself for many years, but she also has been a light, a friendly voice, a wonderful example, and one of those selfless points-of-contact for many of you out there.  It is our honor and privilege to announce that the Weigh Down “Staff Member of the Month” for January of 2014 is DEBBIE BLAIR!  Debbie, her husband Jim, and their extended family have been a vital, servant-hearted, beautiful example of devotion to GOD and His Church for more than 10 years.  Here are a few “Did you know?” facts about Debbie…just to give you a SMALL picture of what she does with her life and her time.

As you can see, this is a servant of GOD who certainly conducts herself in the mold of the “Proverbs 31” woman.  She is busy living for Him, for His Church, helping to spread the Good News that comes from this Ministry and Church, and caring for her growing and blessed family.  What do those who work closely with Debbie have to say about her?  This part was easy!  We asked three of Debbie’s co-workers here in the Weigh Down offices, specifically on our Outreach Team, to share a few words about Debbie…and the blessing that is working alongside her on a regular basis.  As you can imagine, it was hard for each of them to keep it to just a few sentences.  Each of them couldn’t wait to share!

Gwen wanted our readers to know that GOD esteems those who live for Him first and foremost.  He takes care of their needs and their families’ needs.  This certainly is true in the life of Debbie Blair.  Have you started down this path of love and obedience to GOD…but have found yourself “holding back” in some areas?  If so, look at Gwen’s example throughout the entire life of this Ministry and Church.  She has only be BLESSED by GOD for giving EVERYTHING to Him.  GOD gives her words to share that are, literally, changing the WORLD on a daily basis!  Look in this article at Debbie’s example.  She is held in high esteem and looked to for wisdom and as a person to emulate in dedicating herself to spreading this Good News.  YOU can do the same thing too!  Congratulations to Debbie and her family…but more importantly…let us ALL look for ways in which we too can be totally devoted to GOD each and every day.  This is the only way to live in complete peace with Him!  Get started on this path NOW.  Connect with us…and call us at 1-800-844-5208 and/or visit us at and to get you and your family started today!

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