Remnant Fellowship News

The 2015 Feast of Tabernacles – Nothing but JOY!

NOTHING but JOY!!! That is how Gwen Shamblin has described, countless times, what our hearts should be full of during our Lord’s “Feast of Tabernacles” each year…and that certainly was the case in 2015! This particular Celebration honestly felt like the LONGEST one we’ve ever had…in every GOOD way. It truly seemed like the Celebration started with the Day of Atonement on the previous Sabbath. Gwen had just lovingly guided this Church Body through the most refining, beautiful, introspective “Days of Awe” we’ve ever experienced as a Church. When we say that EVERYONE underwent refining and self-examination and CHANGE, we are not exaggerating. Every Leadership family made changes. Every member in Nashville made changes. Every member outside of Nashville made changes. This was a FULL and wonderful house cleaning. GOD is so merciful and amazing to allow us this opportunity, and Gwen was fully tapped into His Spirit’s leading for all of us. As we look back over the life of this Church Body (since its founding in March of 1999), this felt like the biggest “raising of the bar” we’ve ever been through. Knowing what is required to have a chance at eternal life in Heaven…we are BEYOND THANKFUL that the “bar was raised!” There is a strong gift and conviction and clarity that is displayed powerfully in Gwen’s messages and writings, and it truly is able to be digested and acted upon by ALL ages. So that’s why CHILDREN can sit peacefully and quietly for a two-hour Assembly…and completely understand all of the words being spoken and the praises being sung. That is a miracle in today’s society! Kids in the United States can barely be “babysat” through a public school 30-minute class without trying to overtake their teachers with noise, restlessness, and flat-out disrespect. HERE…in this beautiful place…the children LONG to hear the Truth and can’t WAIT to sing to GOD! That is POWERFUL!

As we consider all of the amazing things that happened during this year’s Feast of Tabernacles, it’s probably helpful to recount what the schedule was like each day. And THAT in and of itself is another miracle and answered prayer. This particular Festival is, as Gwen has described so vividly over the years, a time of “Harvest.” It is a time to be OUTDOORS whenever possible. The leaves are changing colors. The temperature drops a few degrees. It’s a time for hayrides, pony rides, play time for the children, picnics and fellowship, bonfires, and sleeping outside in tents. Because we have made it through the 40 days of the “Days of Awe” and GOD has seen fit in His mercy to ALLOW us to get everything RIGHT before Him, we get to “celebrate” a time of harvest and give BACK to Him, even though it is so minor in comparison to what He gives us, and He LOVES to see His people enjoying His beautiful creation. We marvel at the sky, the sunset, the stars, and the amazing colors that we are surrounded by. With all of that said, NOTE that during this time of the year here in Middle Tennessee (the Nashville/Brentwood/Franklin area), the forecast changes quite frequently. You can check your Weather Apps on your phones and tablet devices one hour…in anticipation of what the plans are for the NEXT day…and it may say something like “10 percent chance of a passing shower in the afternoon,” and so you think, “Awesome! We can plan for picnics, hayrides, games, and fellowship for everyone to enjoy!” But THEN, by 8:00am the next morning, the forecast can change (as it did MULTIPLE times this year) to say, 60 percent chance of rain and potential thunderstorms all afternoon and into the evening.” As you can see, it takes a Leader and a Body of Saints who are COMPLETELY Spirit-led to pull off the coordination of activities for 1,200-plus people when you DESIRE to be outdoors to celebrate what GOD loves to celebrate during this time of year. SO – how do you do that? PRAYERFULLY…with great SENSITIVITY and CALMNESS and WAITING on GOD to give clear direction through those weather patterns. And that’s what Gwen and this Church Body did! Check out this schedule layout for the four “primary” days of the extended weekend (Thursday through Sunday, September 24th through the 27th)…

You see – as Gwen has stressed so many times, it doesn’t take a well-oiled, perfectly executed manmade “plan” to experience “nothing but joy.” We have learned HERE that it takes a heart, mind, and soul SURRENDERED to GOD. And then HE paints the skies, gives us Truth, lifts our hearts and voices, and lays everything out SO perfectly…that you literally are left reflecting upon the weekend you just experienced and thinking…that HAD to be GOD! Yes, it was “nothing but joy,” but more than that, it was a Celebration of the wonder, majesty, and awe of GOD Almighty! Praise Him today and every day for His perfect plans. May we ever and always be SURRENDERED to them…with great gladness and gratitude inside and out. He deserves it!

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