Remnant Fellowship News



With the kick off of 2016 and thousands, perhaps millions around the globe penning their resolve to shed a few jeans sizes, do we hear the stirrings of a true weight loss revolution anywhere? While Oprah Winfrey and Weight Watchers invade the headlines and homes attempting to galvanize hopeful weight loss seekers, Nutrisystem’s website promotes a discount on their chocolate-looking “turbo shake,” …and Jenny Craig has a disclaimer on the homepage website that spokesperson Kirstie Alley’s “results are not typical,” is there really any hope? The answer is a resounding YES. There is indeed a tried and true solution to permanent weight loss. The answer? Weigh Down Ministries. How do we know? As they say…the proof is in the pudding. Founded over 25 years ago by registered dietician, university professor and “thin eater” Gwen Shamblin (who remains thin to this day), the Weigh Down classes have set thousands around the world permanently free from being overweight. Participants have lost anywhere from 5 to 250 pounds and have kept it of for years.

With 2016 rolling in, Weigh Down generously rolled out an updated and more accessible approach to their weight loss seminars with the unveiling of Weigh Down All Access, a 24/7 online service, streaming a library of hundreds of inspiring classes, audios, music and resources. Participants can now access and watch their classes on demand anytime, download their class materials for free and are even assigned a “weight loss accountability partner.” All of this is available for just $24.99 a month with no cancellation fee!

Seriously? Yes. Weigh Down All Access will undoubtedly prove to be the most affordable and effective weight loss program on the planet. It’s been less than a week since the enthusiastic and thunderous New Year’s Eve unveiling of Weigh Down All Access and already the positive and successful testimonies are flying around Facebook…

“Just a couple days of Weigh Down All Access and I’m 6 pounds down!”

“Spending the afternoon watching videos on Weigh Down All Access. What a blessing from God!”

“I am SO thankful for All Access! …I can continue through the various classes until this message gets SO deeply ingrained that it becomes a lifestyle.”

With the increase in childhood obesity, Weigh Down All Access is the answer that concerned mothers have been searching for. With seminars appropriate for all ages with classes geared toward the younger generation, including “The Last Exodus,” one happy mother reported, “All Access is AWESOME!!! We are loving the JUST FOR KIDS button! It’s so easy to use!”

For anyone looking for renewed hope in their quest for permanent weight loss, you have landed on the right information. If you tried Weigh Down in the past but got away from the principles, now is the time to return to the only program that really worked. Get started today! For more information visit or call 1-800-844-5208. The truth will set you permanently free! Join the weight loss revolution. Join Weigh Down All Access today!

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