Remnant Fellowship News

Tanner Jenkins credits Remnant for his “All-Star Technician” award

Tanner Jenkins

Remnant member, Tanner Jenkins, was recently honored with Ratchet and Wrench magazine’s All-Star Technician Award for 2016. Tanner is the Lead Technician for CS Automotive, an auto repair shop in Brentwood Tennessee owned by Rob and Kim Aurenheimer, also members of Remnant Fellowship Church. Tanner gives all credit and glory for this achievement back to God, and the Church that taught him how to be under authority with his bosses.

Efficient & Humble

Once a year “Ratchet and Wrench,” one of the top automotive magazines in the nation, chooses an industry All-Star for Shop Owner, Manager/Advisor, Administrative Support, Shop Worker, and one Wild Card. Tanner Jenkins was this year’s selection for All-Star Shop Worker because of Tanner’s efficient and humble work ethic during his five year tenure at CS Automotive. CS Automotive has been featured in this magazine several times but this is the first time Tanner has been featured. 

Tanner, husband of Jena Jenkins and father of three precious children, has been a member of Remnant Fellowship Church since 2009. Tanner has seen how amazing, good, and powerful God is as his own life, and that of his family’s lives have been changed by the truth they are shown daily through this Church and it’s Leaders.

When asked about this award Tanner gave credit back to God saying, My father always raised me to have a diligent work ethic and taught me the value of working hard…

But here at Remnant I have been taught how these gifts come from God and how to stay humble. I don’t know that I would ever be recommended for an award like this without being taught how to humbly follow my boss’s direction.”

Doing Unto Others…

Tanner went on to say, “The motto of the whole shop is to treat each vehicle like it was our own.” Which is a completely Biblical perspective that has always been upheld here at Remnant Fellowship, to look for others needs and to care for others even greater than ourselves. It’s clear that the entire shop is a place where God is revered and upheld due to what has been taught consistently at Remnant Fellowship.


-Scott Thissen for Remnant News

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