Passover Flowers

Canadian Passover Meal

Azzie Enns first Passover
Laura McLean, Remnant Fellowship member who lives in Canada, shares her experience with the Canadian Remnant Fellowship Passover Celebration
Passover weekend 2017 in Canada will never be forgotten! Over 30 people gathered at the home of the Janzen’s in Calgary, Alberta. Families drove or flew from all over Canada to attend this beautiful Holy festival. Remnant Fellowship Canada came away from the weekend with greater, unified love for God. We also felt more love for each other, and eagerly looked for ways to put into practice what was heard!
A Mirror Image
Although we were an almost 40-hour drive away from our brothers and sisters in Tennessee, we felt completely connected. Technology allowed a schedule that mirrored the happenings in Nashville, at the Remnant Fellowship church building. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday the assemblies were webcasted – making physical distance dissappear! As in Nashville, the Canadian saints worshipped with palm branches and singing to God. In keeping with our tradition, we dressed in symbolic shades of blue and green. The Janzen’s home was decorated in the same Passover colors as the church building, and followed the Passover meal of unleavened bread, lamb, bitter herbs and wine. Everyone contributed to this amazing event!
Making memories
This festival served as a Passover gathering as well as an annual Canadian gathering, It was a rare opportunity for a large group of Canadians to be together in person. Since those that live outside of Calgary stayed with local members, fellowship did not cease throughout the weekend. The sleepovers meant staying up late, praying together, discussing love for God and convictions for change. As Gwen Shamblin said over the weekend – the place was humming with excitement. We used FaceTime to connect with other international members, fellow Canadians that were unable to attend, and with those in Nashville. All of us eager to show our faith by our deeds and all of us being sharpened by the fellowship to be more Godly.
We are so honoured and grateful to God to be able to fully participate in this festival and to be unified with this church – this Kingdom of the Love of God -a country away!