It is always fun to hear the “How I found Remnant Fellowship” stories from fellow members. With that in mind, we are going to ‘introduce’ members from all over the world so that all of what God has done in everyone’s lives will be compiled and give Glory back to Him! We will start with long time faithful member, Doreen Buckner, from Arizona.
Doreen before WeighDown
Doreen with Beth Ancona
How it all began
I found Weigh Down at our local church in 1998 when I realized how desperate I was to lose 50 stubborn pounds. Having been thin and petite all my life, I was very uncomfortable with the extra burden! The first year was very successful as was the second year, but Weigh Down was abandoned by the church after that. Approximately 4 years with no classes went by, and and to my joy, I heard Gwen Shamblin was coming to Phoenix. She was there first, for a book signing at the local Costco (I still have that book!) and then for a Remnant Fellowship event, the “Rebuilding The Wall” tour.
I made my plans and went! It was at that tour that I learned that Remnant Fellowship was looking for someone to start a fellowship in their home, as there had been local interest. This was my first big leap of faith! I called everyone from a list of who had participated in WeighDown in Arizona and offered my home to anyone who wanted to come. To my joy, that Sabbath, the Ancona family showed up! Thus began the Arizona gathering of Remnant Fellowship Church.
A totally changed life
Some of the changes in my life after that were swift, and other changes have taken a long time. I’ve been freed of too much TV, road rage, 50lbs of overweight, daydreaming the day away and controlling my husband.
I have no doubt that my marriage, finances and family would have suffered greatly if I had not stepped out in faith that day and joined Remnant Fellowship. This message of hope, change, love, personal responsibility and all the other beautiful things we’ve learned from God through Gwen has touched everything. Just keeping the fruits of the Spirit at the forefront of my mind every day is enough motivation for me to continue on. Love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control and this wonderful relationship with God are the reasons I can never go back!! In John 6:67-68 Jesus asked the Twelve Disciples,”You do not want to leave too, do you?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go?” This expresses my heart too! To whom or what shall we go indeed! I am home!
Doreen with Amanda Baker during Passover