A Peaceful Life Full of Purpose
Every Wednesday night all of us at Remnant Fellowship Church, get to witness God’s mercy and power on the You Can Overcome Show. Broadcast weekly on RemnantFellowship.TV we see week after week just how applying the Biblical principles that are taught in this church work. There are many incredible things happening at the Remnant Fellowship Church on a daily basis. One of the most powerful and joyful pieces of evidence that God is pleased with this place is the good fruit being produced in our CHILDREN. They are loving, happy, obedient, standouts – which stands in stark contrast to what is happening in this country, where children are growing more and more angry, unhappy, and disobedient. We live in a day and age, when children are feeling increasingly anxious about their lives and futures, hopelessness reaching an all time high with suicide being the 2nd leading cause of death for children between the ages of 10-24. This heartbreaking statistic by the CDC is backed up by the fact that 5,400 suicides are attempted everyday.
Close-Knit Families
While there is so much heartbreak and loneliness in the youth today, God is truly doing something beautiful and extraordinary among us at Remnant Fellowship Church. The changed, born again, healed lives that are full of hope and purpose are being passed on to the next generation—and this is birthing incredible unity in the household. Malachi 4 perfectly describes what is commonplace in this body of believers: “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…”
The Essential Difference
Specifically, why is it so wonderfully different here? These children, teenagers, and young adults are taught from a young age to take personal responsibility, be respectful of their authorities, and most importantly—build their relationships with GOD and find His lead in every area of life. Then God helps them through life’s hurdles with schoolwork, jobs, academics, athletics, relationships, and on and on. These kids have full confidence in the lead that their parents and church leaders are giving them because their parents lives are exemplary and full of purpose. Their parents have confidence in their children because they have learned to obey their authorities. These concepts are fully explained in the God-Fearing Families book, and have previously been taught from the pulpit for years.
The children, youth and young adults in this episode of the “You Can Overcome” show ranged in ages from elementary school to married adults, all praising the fruit of loving God first and being under His authority. The results are absolutely fantastic, moving, and are guaranteed to make you want the same thing for YOUR children. You can download this amazing book from Weighdown or Amazon and watching the video below will give you HOPE for the next generation. You can also tag along with some of the members of Remnant Fellowship and join our Book Club every Sunday@7 as we read a chapter a week of the God-Fearing Families book on Livestream.
Watch “What do Do When Your Children are Stressed ” here