Mark your calendars! Here is a list of important dates for 2018:
February 17th
5:00pm Valentine’s Dinner & Dance
ALL CHURCH EVENT! Everyone is invited. Following our 5:00 p.m. worship Assembly we will enjoy a Valentine’s Dinner and Dance. This will take the place of our morning Assembly. Click here for more info.
March 3rd
Purim Observance.
The Covenant Wedding Ceremony of Hannah Petralito and Anthony Wheeler.
4:30pm Prelude Music begins, 5:00pm Ceremony.
Colors: Black, White, Green
March 24th
9:00am Palm Sabbath Assembly
March 30th-April 1st
The Passover, Passion and Resurrection of Christ Celebration.
March 30th – Evening Weekend Kick-off Concert & New Member Recognition
March 31st – 4:30pm Formal Assembly and webcast
April 1st – TBD
Colors: Pastel Pink and Apple Green.
April 14th
The Covenant Wedding Ceremony of Avery Martin and Andrew Fischer.
5:30pm Prelude Music begins, 6:00pm Ceremony.
Colors: Black, White, Pink
April 28th
9:00am Graduation Assembly
May 19th
4:00pm Pentecost
June 9th
Double Wedding! The Covenant Wedding of Sarah Gunger and Parker Jost and also Rebecca Gunger and Jeremy Kaunisto.
5:30pm Prelude Music begins, 6:00pm Ceremony.
June 23rd
5:00pm Day Camp Kickoff!
July 7th
The Covenant Wedding of Brittany Baril and Damian Cohen.
July 28th
The Covenant Wedding of Rebekah Fischer and John Quinn
July 26th
Last day of Summer Camp
August 12th
Days of Awe begin.
September 8th
9:00am Day of Trumpets Worship Assembly (wear darker attire to reflect introspection & repentance)
September 15th
3:30-7:30pm Day of Atonement Worship Assembly (wear white or light colors to reflect purity)
September 21st-23rd
Feast of Harvest Celebration
November 17th
5:00pm Dedication Worship Assembly
December 15th
Festival of Lights