Remnant Fellowship News

Get the Daily Devotional by Gwen Shamblin!


Exciting announcement! Start your day with encouragement from Gwen Shamblin emailed straight to you with the her new online “Daily Devotional.”  Formerly known as The Weigh Down Chronicles, the new “Gwen Shamblin Daily Devotional” is hosted on and also can be accessed directly on the Weigh Down app under “Today’s Devotional.”  Need the Weigh Down app? Get it here.

The short but power-packed devotional writings contain Biblical insight, practical wisdom and, most of all, HOPE. You will find great encouragement by accessing these nuggets of truth each day. The initial writings have been primarily focused on how to conquer overeating, often siting many of the tips Weigh Down participants learn through their classes.  However, the devotional will expand to cover other topics including how to be a godly parent, how to overcome depression and how to have peace in your marriage.

To subscribe to the Gwen Shamblin Daily Devotional  and to read previous posts, go here.

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