When supporting others in need turns into a recipe of encouragement for you.
Within our Remnant Fellowship church body we are constantly spurred on and encouraged by the countless ministry groups and volunteers we are blessed to have. These individuals love and aid others without expectation! This incredible display of support is putting into practice the “fellowship of believers” as written in Acts 2.
“They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” – Acts 2:45-47
In 2021, Elizabeth Hannah was led to begin the Give Love Project. The momentum behind this beautiful project was like turning on a firehose of love! We have all been positively impacted by assisting and supporting others, the idea of fostering that love and spreading it into the community was an easy addition! Many have already experienced lasting memories by helping meet the needs of others.
“We’ve been given great encouragement within the Give Love project to give back to our community. It has been very fulfilling to pray, give a kind word or simply listen to these individuals who are working through the circumstances they are facing. Some men we have encountered had one eye, one limb or were in a wheelchair. It took my sense of gratitude to an entirely new level.” Explained volunteer Durville Patton
Several Remnant Fellowship church members have had the great opportunity to take time out of their regular routine to volunteer time at the Nashville Rescue Mission. This particular rescue mission is a faith-based mission designed to support individuals in all seasons of life, from addiction to homelessness and much more. Not only have these volunteer hours impacted individuals on a personal level but some have made this an opportunity to grow as a family.
Joined by one of his sons, volunteer Marc Dunn described one morning while volunteering, “When my son and I arrived for the Breakfast Shift at 4:30am it was early for both of us, although we were tired, as soon as we saw the group of volunteers and the line of people looking for a hot meal, the exhaustion diminished and our hearts were filled with gratitude. As much as we were going into this with a desire to help, we were instantly impacted by the people and other volunteers we encountered. I would definitely encourage any parent who volunteers to include their older children in serving in this way as well!”
According to the National Coalition for Homelessness and a Nashville Performance Study completed in 2022, there are over 10,000 homeless individuals in the state of Tennessee with about 1,500 at-risk individuals in Nashville alone. Although 10,000 is a jarring number, each small action and support of ministries like the Nashville Rescue Mission and the Give Love Project, help these individuals who need support, get the resources needed and provide Christ-like love!
Patton continued to express the impact these volunteer opportunities provide “Each shift at Nashville Rescue Mission begins with a prayer, we were able to hear testimonies from others who work at the mission along with fellow volunteers, being able to share and connect with each other, created bonds we will keep long term. Leaving the mission, I felt overwhelming gratitude to God for the warm house and clean clothes I have and that we can so easily take for granted.”
The Give Love Project is motivated and charged us all to continue to pursue outreach opportunities that allow for the love of Christ to be passed throughout our Tennessee community and all over the U.S.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58