The History and the Heart – Remnant Fellowship Passover and Resurrection Celebration 2013 – Part Two

Remnant Fellowship - Resurrection of Christ and Passover 2014

Remnant Fellowship Passover and Resurrection Celebration LogoOur countdown continues to the time of PASSOVER…and the RESURRECTION CELEBRATION of Jesus Christ.  During our Wednesday, March 13th “You Can Overcome” show, Gwen Shamblin delivered a clear, concise, beautiful description of some of the HISTORY and the HEART behind this incredibly important Festival and time of the year.  Many people around the world will take part in the Passover.  But to know WHY this is important…what it really MEANS to GOD and to the history of His people…and how it applies to our lives even TODAY…THAT is a treasured secret that you must have the leading and Spirit of GOD to know and understand.  What Gwen shared during the show and will continue to share as this priceless time approaches was a glimpse into that secret.  Remnant Fellowship TV - You Can Overcome - Passover HistorySeated with Gwen was co-host Candace Anger, along with guests Chris Ancona and David Martin, and each of them shared testimonies that backed up the JOY of understanding these Truths.  Take a look at these words from Gwen from this special show and you’ll gain insight even from just these few sentences.  And there is SO MUCH MORE where that came from!  To understand some of the HISTORY and HEART of the Passover is a rare thing, and we invite those who want to seek GOD with a whole heart to JOIN us on this journey!  And now, a few words from Gwen…

“God has ordained the celebration of Passover – the mighty rescue and Exodus of His people from slavery to Pharaoh for every generation…and then the passion of Christ and His resurrection.  This is the first of the three pilgrimages or festivals that God commanded to be a lasting ordinance, for it is the celebration of the liberation of man, and it is a parallel celebration of our freedom from bondage.  So what happened?  There are only two things to know in life – God and what His will is.  If you learn that you must obey (God), all satan can distort are the wishes and laws of God…”

“God wants us to know the facts behind these celebrations… From eating the meal and that Christ is our Passover lamb, to fasting from yeast – which represents sin – to remembering how the Israelites left in haste from slavery and did not have time to let the bread rise.  The Israelites were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of an unblemished lamb, and upon seeing this, the death Angel of the Lord passed over these homes.  Hence the term, “Passover.”  What a history – commemorating the mighty Exodus to the parting of the Red Sea – God’s people were set free from satan.  Christ’s blood is used today for us to be saved – as we incorporate his lifelong actions into our lives.  We will die to this world – to Egypt – and live for God…”

“On the Passover night, you gather the families in and eat your Passover meal, and you go over what it all means, and of course it means you have the lamb, which represents Jesus.  The bread is unleavened bread, so it represents Jesus’ sinless life.  The wine represents the blood outpouring from His body because of obedience to God and for the sake of men, so it is a sacrificial life.  You are drinking it and making this a part of your life.  Then the bitter herbs are for you to sit around the table and tell of your bitter story of how it was before you finally understood and totally understood how we are to put off the old and put on the new, that when you come to Christ you are a totally new creation, and how bitter the life of slavery to alcohol, to drugs, to sexual lusts, to anything in the world is and how you do not want it.  Like if you were going to have to sit there and eat those bitter herbs all day long, that is how bad our old life was, and I am never going to eat those bitter herbs again.  I am never going to live that life again.  I am going forward…”

Those are words from Weigh Down Ministries and Remnant Fellowship founder Gwen Shamblin…a portion of her eloquent explanation of the history and the heart of Passover – Wednesday, March 13th

Remnant Fellowship Passover and Resurrection CelebrationHow deep is this information?  Very deep…BUT…it can be understood even by the CHILDREN who hear it.  What it takes are humble hearts, minds, and attitudes…people who acknowledge that GOD is GOD and that they are not gods…people who WANT GOD to rule in their lives and who want a relationship with GOD…people who will DELIGHT in loving Him completely and who will obey His precious, generous laws and commands.  THAT gives life purpose and meaning.  THAT gives us hope for now and for the future.  THAT provides an avenue to peace and joy and a life full of blessings!  Watch this episode and get excited about the opportunity of a lifetime!  Note this though – This isn’t just about one week out of a year…followed by a return to a dull, boring, strongholds-dependent life.  NO – this is about being a NEW CREATION.  And the Passover is a celebration of that.  It is an opportunity to give thanks and praise to GOD that you have been “passed by.”  He has shown us great mercy, and our response should be complete and utter gratitude and overwhelming joy that our eyes can see and our ears can hear His Truth.

Stay connected to this message.  Keep reading…and keep watching and listening to these webcasts.  You will find yourself wonderfully fascinated and engrossed and appreciative of what GOD is offering to you.  Praise GOD for the upcoming Passover and Resurrection Celebration!  May this be pleasing to GOD in every way and may we be more committed and devoted to GOD than ever before.

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