What an incredibly blessed and fruitful year 2017 has already been for the Remnant! The January 5th-8th weekend was jam packed with laughter and testimonies, meeting saints from all over the country. The Saints left the Remnant Fellowship Church early Thursday morning, led altogether with a prayer for safety and excitement in the air. The whole crew met in Memphis, meeting up with the out of town Saints for a small stretch break and lunch. God was totally glorified through the over 100 youth that were in attendance for the trip.
As the youth were blessed with fellowship and bowling, the only thing we heard more than the youth’s laughing and cheers were the astonished remarks from the staff. They shared that once they were told there was going to be over 100 youth for pizza and bowling, they were apprehensive. After the youth come and shined their lights, the whole staff was blown away, many of whom shared that they “had never seen a group of children so well behaved” and that our kids were “the best group we had ever had.” Praise God for this next generation carrying on the message that they have been taught here!
After the caravan was packed up, the crew headed to Arkansas to stop and rest before the Dallas weekend. Fellowship continued through the night, as testimony after testimony poured out through His Spirit. Beginning with a morning of much prayer, snow, and wintery roads, being welcomed into the hotel was as if you made it into an Oasis. Cheers of excitement from seeing new visitors, out of town Saints, and praises for safe travel could be heard throughout the hotel. Kent Smith said it best when he lightheartedly suggested we all sell our possessions and buy the hotel for us to all live together in fellowship. This weekend truly was a weekend spent with family; those that point you to the heavenly Father in love.
Not only were we filled and charged up with fellowship, but we were blessed with the most powerful and humbling messages shared over the last two nights. Digging into Romans, Gwen delivered messages so profound yet so attainable, leaving everyone moved. Many visitors left moved and even said, “wow, this really isn’t about weight loss at all is it?”
As we all continue into this year blessed with the beginning of the Weigh Down Revolution Class, may we all be moved even more to dig deeper, exposing more, and clinging closer to this Truth and life-changing message. If this is the beginning of 2017, we can’t imagine what God is going to pour out the rest of the year. We are truly, the most blessed people on the face of the earth. -BH