
August 30, 2012

The Remnant Fellowship’s “You Can Overcome!” show – Season TWO is About to Begin!

We all eagerly anticipate SEASON TWO of the "You Can Overcome" show, hosted by Gwen Shamblin and featured at - and for THIS season, we have MOVED to what we pray will be an even BETTER day for mid-week inspiration. We will webcast live every WEDNESDAY, starting at 11:00am Central Time.
August 29, 2012

Being Ready – Respecting GOD’S Weather and its Impact – Remnant Fellowship Basics

In this stormy, transitional weather season, we as Remnant Fellowship members are reminded of the many, many things that we have learned here. Our founder, Gwen Shamblin, has always taught and emphasized a huge, healthy RESPECT for GOD’S power, His creation, and His weather...