Our Remnant Youth are enjoying an incredible Summer of fellowship and amazing charges from Gwen Shamblin and Elizabeth Hannah. This message is CHANGING them and showing them the way to go…the path to follow even at their young ages.
When you see or hear Remnant and Weigh Down founder Gwen Shamblin spreading this Good News message of permanent change and Christ-like love for GOD and […]
What began as an opportunity to keep encouraging our dear brother and sister in Christ, Joseph and Sonya Smith is now in several different Prison locations in multiple states AND in Canada!
"This was the best one EVER!" - This is a phrase heard often here in the Remnant Fellowship Church. Whether it is Gwen’s latest message that convicts and encourages everyone, the latest song written by Michael Shamblin that hits us just at the right time, or the event that fires everyone up and charges us to go further in our relationships of love for GOD, the statement continues to be true.